Highlight On Bigots Online

Liana Taylor of Victoria, Australia

Liana Taylor is an active drug addict known to prostitute herself for access to methamphetamines and cocaine. She alleges to have worked at Traffic Controller & as an Aqua Pool & Spa Specialist, which regardless she will never be qualified for. Rumors of retail work have circulated with many speculating she's been stealing from her place of work to pay for drugs.

A gross review of her online activity reveals she frequently circulates gossip and defamation channels dedicated to cyberstalking, gangstalking, and harassment of minorities along with profiting off of stories involving the exploitation of minors while providing nothing back to the community of survivors they take advantage of. Various online social circles frequently rotate around topics such as exposing pedophiles (without proof), allegations of child porn, rape, and sexual harassment. Inside of the communities Liana Taylor frequents — alongside grotesque figures such as Neechie, a false counselor who breeches contracts by alleging to help underprivileged Native American children in Canada as she gossips about her workplace in Discord servers to gossip channels — the members there have zero interest in providing a safe, diverse space for survivors while they endlessly defame others as sexual predators to garner attention on YouTube & Twitter.

Liana Taylor acts unprofessionally where she has been warned repeatedly for rambling off on meth-induced rampages of sexual harassment when she doesn't get the attention she wants inside of these communities. She has sexually harassed influencers, attacked men online for their appearances, cyberstalked females within the community and endlessly bullied them for their weight and appearance with other "mean-girl" female groupies who circulate these gossip corners. Many have attacked certain females' appearance, reputations, aggressively targeting their sexuality, womens' sex appeal, and made foul comments about other females' genitalia which is an absolute form of cyber sexual harassment, stalking, and bullying. Liana Taylor, Neechie, and others from inside these circles have dragged these behaviors out for months as they giggle behind the scenes and do nothing to put an end to this behavior. Their goal is to traumatize other women in the community, ostracize them, and compete with low-level male attention they perceive to be as "clout". These are clout-chasing sociopathic perverse women and bigots who belong in no professional setting.

Liana Taylor can be witnessed attacking mens' appearance, targeting LGBTQI+ individuals, and sexually harassing small influencers in drug-induced narcissistic rages.

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